Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

walk in my shoes.

I'm the type of gal that buys a pair of shoes and wears them daily until I cannot wear them anymore. When I was younger, I always had to wear socks. I even slept with socks on because otherwise I could not sleep. I think I was afraid of bugs biting my toes. ha! For years now, I've hated socks, thus I do not wear them. (occasionally it's a must sadly) Where am I going with this?

I usually wear flat shoes because I can do this without socks. This type of shoe is not comfortable for most people, but for me, I like the feeling of being barefoot with shoes on. When I lived in New York I bought these shoes, which is so wrong for walking long distances. I couldn't wear them as often when living there because of all the walking I did, but since returning to Texas, I have used them almost daily. Still Kristine, where is this story going?
I noticed something the other day about my shoes. (here it comes ...) I apparently walk on my heels. I've had these holes that go fully through my shoes on the heel, but I really didn't think anything of it until I wondered what my other shoes look like. Sure enough, my other 2 pairs that I sometimes switch out, have the same problem.
I've been really confused by this, which is kinda funny. The other day I remembered how when I was little I used to walk on my heels with my toes off the ground, at short distances, instead of like other kids that sometimes walk on their tippy toes. I wonder if this has anything to do with it. hmmm ...

Needless to say I am trashing these shoes because my mamasita bought me a new pair for my berf-day. I love my mom.

The end.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

today is my day. i'm half way to 50.
that doesn't sound very happy. hmm.

i took a picture with the alamo for my birthday.
i'm so cool.

i may be 25 now but i still look 12. one day i will appreciate this.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Little Rascal

Our neighbors have adopted two little rascals that enjoy digging along the fence to come visit. I've enjoyed them greatly although one can no longer get through. Tonight Rascal number one kept coming over. I played with her a little which was probably a bad idea, but really she needed some attention and either way she would come back. I put Rascal back a couple of times and the last time we attempted to close off the hole.


I stayed outside a little while to make sure she was ok. Rascal stayed in the same area to come over and when she got half way through I realized she was stuck!! Thank goodness I waited! Me and my brother in law ran to her to help. I calmed her down as he pulled on our wooden fence. Horrible sounds echoed. Where the heck are the owners! I think she was more scared then hurting. Finally we were able to get her. She looked scared and so did we, but that little rascal was good to play again.


We uncovered the hole. I would rather them keep visiting then gett stuck in the middle of the night when we are not around. Thankfully the owners were putting them inside for the night and were going to watch our visitor to make sure she is ok. Hopefully they will grow quickly so neither one can get through.

Maybe I can get a picture of the other little rascal soon. I hope our neighbors learn to take better care of puppies. They are too cute!

Monday, March 16, 2009

no sweeter name than the name of Jesus. no sweeter name have i ever known.

I sing this song and yet I haven't spoken to Him lately. It boggles my mind how I do this. I look back at my days and I can see how scattered I've been. So up and down but really mostly down. I can picture Jesus standing by waving His arms around saying "Kristine! I'm right here! We can talk when you're lonely. I have so much Truth to tell you! I'm right by your side!" (sigh) I get it wrong so often. I need Jesus. Every day. Every step.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.

Back to the basics I go ...