Speaking of the pig ... Are you in panic yet? You cannot watch the news without hearing about swine flu these days. It's a bit dramatic, with good reason I'm sure, but it's getting blown out. Someone coughs and they rush to the ER. They arrived believing they had the pig when really it was just a cough, but will now leave with swine flu because of a real case of swine flu. Sounds like an outbreak. **
Speaking of ER's ... October 31st, 2007 my best friend rushed me to the ER because of food poisoning/dehydration. April 29, 2009 it is finally paid for in FULL! Praise God, Praise God. You can read my other blog (nov 4) for the full story. I believe it was one of my first post. Good way to start a blog. Something dramatic.
Life is busy. I sew now believe it or not. Ok ok ... I've made one thing. I am pretty excited about it though. So I bought a sewing machine. Not what you're thinking. It's tiny or at least small enough to fit in my purse. Want to see? Of course you do!
Neato, eh?! My sister, Shannon, is pregnant so thoughtful me stole her baby pillow from our moms house a while back. Actually ... I took it before I even knew. Anywho - I gutted it (makes it sound like I did more) and put wool in it instead to make her babies comfort blankie. I sewed it by hand the first time, but that was a mess. I then found my trusty singer and got the job done. (You must sing while using the singer). Tears made it a success. Want me to make you something? Anything square works.
I've been reading The Baby Whisperer lately which I'm really enjoying. The author has great points, but I think I most enjoy the English accent I have created for her in my head. (yes, she's English) It makes me chuckle every now and then. I was thinking today about how I love surprises. I love everything about them. The planning, the gathering and giving. It just makes my heart happy. I also love being surprised. (hard to do) All that to say, I hope I surprise myself and turn out to be a great nanny. That would be a good one.
Sweet music I'm listening to these days include: Esterlyn, Danyew, Abandon.
I can't think of any more random points so I will leave now. *** Don't forget to wash your hands.
** I realized swine flu is not a joke but if you think you have (it) do not go to the ER. Chances more than none is that you do not have (the pig) but could leave with it because of others who might. Stay home and call a doctor. Please and thank you.
*** I'm going to start a new Corpus project and show you how windy it is daily here. Hopefully I can prove myself wrong, but I am doubtful.