Friday, July 31, 2009

Ewe & Me

I'll tell more later, but here are a few photos and blurbs for now.
Suitcase made it on the plane. (phew!)

As most of you know, I have been in Aberdeen, Scotland for a little over a week now. It has been such a sweet time being with Jess here. The air is refreshing and so is her company. Thankfully the days have gone by slowly. Hopefully the weekend won't zoom by.

My ride. :)

A bit winded, but I made it. "Am I really here?"

I love the clouds here. They are more defined and when the sun comes through them ... amazing.

Jess and me after visiting with the Smiths the day I arrived.
Good way to keep me awake for the rest of the day.
We've gone out on a couple of adventures which is always fun. I couldn't tell you every place without a photo so you'll probably see some more photos later once I get back to the states. Our days have been filled with laughs, catching up, a few good tears and some more laughs.

This photo was not planned at all, but came out so well.

Me and Jess while out exploring with Susie.

Me and Jess with her house in the background. ;)
Thankfully it hasn't been as cold as I expected. I've mostly used my rain jacket or brown sweater above. It's a welcomed break from the 105 degrees in Texas! While here I've gotten some work done as well. Jess has been finishing up an assignment for school, so I've made use of the time. Check out my photo blog if you get a chance. I am so thankful for the Lords timing on coming. It seemed so impossible! Though we have [attempted] to balance work and play, it's been so encouraging being with someone who knows my heart better than I do at times. I've missed the days of living together, so this has been a nice treat. (sigh)
Well, I think this is all for now. I head back to Texas Monday evening and camp out in London airport until Tuesday morning. I arrive to Houston at 3 PM I believe and transfer airports arriving to Corpus Christi at 7:50 PM. 3 days later I begin my drive to Tennessee.
Hope all is well. I'll be back soon enough.
Cheerio! (as they say here)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Across the pond.

Scotland's next Top Model: Jessica Heaton.
... haha!
Sadly I cleaned out my laptop and this is the
only photo I have of you on here.
My heart is full of joy that I will be seeing my best friend very soon!!! Tomorrow I am off to Scotland. I'm sure I will blog about our adventures while away. I am so looking forward to being with someone who knows me so well.
Maybe I will come back with an accent. Or better yet a mate. ;)
Goooooooodbye Texas!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

news flash.

Hello fans. You may not comment, but I know you are out there!

I can't believe I am stopping what I'm doing to blog, but I need a break and I realized earlier in the week that I haven't blogged in a while. Lots has changed since my last post and more change is near. So sit back, relax and lets catch up!

If you ever asked me how my job was going, you would usually hear me hesitate as I tried to figure out nice things to say. (Unless you caught me on a bad day so I let you have it!)I was working at a photography studio that was emotionally and spiritually draining. I'll spare the details, but for many reasons I decided to quit a few weeks back. Such a huge lift off my shoulders. I wish I could say I just sat at home and vegged on TV, but I had plenty of other work to keep me busy.

I've done a couple of photo shoots: bridals (will post after the wedding Saturday), a wedding and maternity. All good fun. Editing has kept me plenty busy. You can check out Scott and Deanna's wedding on my photo blog. I was pretty happy with the day. I think I drank 10 bottles of water that day. No lie ...

Tomorrow I leave for Houston to shoot a wedding Saturday. Pray it all goes well. I will stay in Houston until Tuesday when I am off to the land of bagpipes:aka Scotland! I am so excited and can't believe I will be visiting my best friend Jessica for about 2 weeks. It will be so sweet to see the land she loves. Of all the countries I've been too, this time, my mom made me PROMISE that I will return. She must know something about Scotland that I don't ...

I will return August 4th and sleep until the 7th when I will begin my drive to Clarksville, Tennessee. My first stop will be Fort Worth, Texas to pick up my co-pilot Ashley! So excited about our road trip!!! I mean, hellooooo I will be jet lagging and she will be sleep deprived from grad school finals. We're a great team! We will split up the trip to be safe.

Whelp ... I think that's all for now. Sleep is calling. I will probably blog while in Scotland.

I'll post bridal photos on Sunday or Monday. Be on the look out! I was really happy with them.

Hope this song blesses you.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

hmm ... i need to blog. maybe tomorrow.

check out my photo blog today instead.