Sunday, August 30, 2009

the other T state.

Dear Readers,

It's tough having a blog! If I don't keep up with it regularly I feel like I must back track to catch you up - and I don't have time for that! :) I'm going to attempt to avoid details and hop around instead. We'll see how that goes. Surely you will stick around either way.

In honor of Tennessee, I googled their state song, but it was long and boring so I opted out of sharing it. I then decided to check out our TEXAS song, surely it's better, and well we really are proud Texans. Okay, okay ... here is Tennessee's song. I can't imagine the tune to it. I will have to google that later. (for Texas fanatics, i knew part of the song, just not the whole thing).

Tennessee living is going well. It's a little less sleep, but I'm drinking Starbucks regularly and going strong! :) The days go by so fast. I've been here almost 2 months I believe. Nathan, whom I care for, is a sweet boy. He is almost 10 weeks and makes my heart happy. I am learning so much from him about myself and even the Father/Mother heart of the Lord. His spirit is so calm and refreshing.

I also get to hang out with Nathan's sister, Anna. She's a hoot! Our time together is usually spent watching "coo coo's" (blues clues), playing outside, tea party or having a dance party! I'm enjoying getting to know her at this age when her personality is blooming.

Last week was really enjoyable. Jess came to visit us for the week, which Anna sure enjoyed the new company. It was great to see them together as Jess cared for her the first 6 months (correction - 10 months) of Anna's life. We went hiking, had a picnic, ate at fun restaurants, etc. So good to have my best friend here.

I ventured up to Piggott, Arkansas for the weekend with Jess to visit her grandparents. Such a cute, very small, town. Coming back, I took a somewhat different route. In 4 hours I drove in 4 states! Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee. How crazy is that?!? You can't drive out of Texas in 4 hours.

I will be in Texas this weekend which I am looking forward to. I'm sure I will forget that once I feel the HEAT, but it will be nice to see my folks and sister before she has Emma Grace. I also really miss having a dog to play with, so seeing MINE will be oh so good!
Whelp ... I think that is all for now. Here are a few pics of Poppins life.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I know .. I know. Pictures soon. I barely downloaded all of Scotland yesterday.

Life is pretty good in Tennessee.

See you soon.