Sunday, September 27, 2009


Have you ever been to the movies solo? I've always wanted to see what it's like. Would I feel lame? Would I feel cool? Would I react the same way to jokes or emotion as with someone else?
Well, the suspense I put myself through is finally over. My questions were all answered.

Does going to the movies ever make you feel "normal?" It does for me. (haha) I feel the same way about eating at Subway locally or abroad. I don't know why, but I was this way even when I was in New York alone. It was comfort to go to the movies and do something "normal" since everything else felt unnatural. The first week I was living in NY, I went straight to the movies. It comforted me that the popcorn would taste the same. (haha) It comforts me that Subway tastes the same everywhere.

Yesterday I braved my insecurities and was super excited about going to the theatre alone. Up to the counter, "One for All About Steve, please." Okay. I'm committed. I'm going in alone. Maybe they think my "friend" is inside waiting for me. Up to ticket man, "Hello doll." (oh no! he knows I'm alone) Such a bizarre experience. I find the theatre and I am all alone inside. Granted, I am a little early. I was so excited about the thought of having the whole room to myself. I could sit where ever I want. I could *snort when laughing. Whatever! But then I realized "Wait Kristine, you're early. People will walk in." (sigh) And they did.

I didn't enjoy watching a movie alone as much as I hoped for. (once past insecurities) I didn't laugh as much which was really disappointing. Granted, the movie has parts I could do without either way.

I'm glad I finally put those questions to rest. Would I do it again? Probably, but more because it's my only option - not because I favor it.

Have you ever been to the movies alone?
Try it. It's bizarre.

All for now.
Pray I find friends. Quickly. We were not made to live life alone.

*i do not snort when laughing.