Thursday, December 2, 2010


i l o v e listening to life stories from people in all walks of life. these stories are even more special when they come from people i love dearly.

my grandma's hair stylist in the 70's was also an artist. every time she went in she would pay her a little for this painting. it was a surprise for my papa's birthday. i guess that's where i get my joy out of surprising people. that's all i really ever knew about the painting. i inherited this painting when my granny passed away. the extra special thing is that she surprised me with her message on the back i never knew about ... she loved him well.
i l o v e that i have this piece of history to carry on.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

seasons change

‎'Once I have found that in my total brokeness I am still loved, I become FREE from COMPULSION of doing successful things.' -H. Nouwen

I've been chewing on this quote for a few days now and I believe such freedom is true and breaking through.

... More soon.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hey everyone.

As most of you know, in 2008 I spent four months serving in New York as a photographer for a non profit organization. The main purpose of my time was to photograph ethnic groups/religions for a book that was being put together with extensive research. The idea behind it was much like Operation World, but with more photos.

This book is pretty awesome and I am so glad I was apart of it. So whether it's just a coffee table picture book for you or a way to pray for specific groups in New York, your support is greatly appreciated and needed. ALL proceeds go to church planting in Metro New York.

ethNYcity: The Nations, Tongues, and Faiths of Metropolitan New York is $25 and can be purchased at For local people, I do have a box of books that can save you a little on shipping.

The top photos on the cover are mine as well as the two bottom left ones.

Pretty cool!

Monday, February 1, 2010

b l u r b .

what inspires you?

i feel like i've been lacking inspiration. i remember college days when i had more than a handful of projects to get done at once lacking inspiration. then, all of a sudden, it came. always unexpected but perfect. i saw it complete.

i'm longing for the all of sudden today. desire to dream again. to create again. but to also be present in the meantime.

all of a sudden, please come soon.

mixed media/collage/photography

kristine endsley

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

i'm in a list mood.

. i am starting to make plans for moving to texas. they're not going so great.

. i could eat peanut butter m and m's all day.

. i am out of bed earlier starting today.

. i discovered new music this week.

. i need a coke.

. i think this is the worst post i've come up with.

. i think i'll go to sleep now.