Thursday, December 2, 2010


i l o v e listening to life stories from people in all walks of life. these stories are even more special when they come from people i love dearly.

my grandma's hair stylist in the 70's was also an artist. every time she went in she would pay her a little for this painting. it was a surprise for my papa's birthday. i guess that's where i get my joy out of surprising people. that's all i really ever knew about the painting. i inherited this painting when my granny passed away. the extra special thing is that she surprised me with her message on the back i never knew about ... she loved him well.
i l o v e that i have this piece of history to carry on.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

seasons change

‎'Once I have found that in my total brokeness I am still loved, I become FREE from COMPULSION of doing successful things.' -H. Nouwen

I've been chewing on this quote for a few days now and I believe such freedom is true and breaking through.

... More soon.