Wednesday, February 4, 2009


all you'll ever need / by: andrew peterson.

(2 Kings 4:1-7 / 2 Kings 5:1-13 / 1 Kings 20:18-39)

The blood of Jesus, it is like the widow's oil: it's enough to pay the price to set you free. It can fill up every jar and every heart that ever beat. When it's all you have it's all you'll ever need. When it's all you have it's all you'll ever need.

The blood of Jesus, it is like the leper's river running humble with a power you can not see. Seven times go under, let the water wash you clean. Only go down to the Jordan and believe. Only go down in the Jordan and believe.

And I need it, I need it. The closer that I grow, the more I come to know how much I need it.

The blood of Jesus it is like Elijah's fire, falling on the altar of your faith. All the wisdom of the world could never conjure up a spark, but no power of Hell could ever quench this flame. No power of Hell could ever tough this flame.

And I need it, I need it. The closer that I grow, the more I come to know how much I need the blood of Jesus.

The blood of Jesus, it is like the widow's oil: when it's all you have it's all you'll ever need. It is all you'll ever need.

I've been listening intently to Andrew Peterson's lyrics lately. Such truth in his music. Check him out if you haven't already.
What are your thoughts on this song?

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