Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Stormy Day.

My days are jumbled so I won't back track, but today was a stormy day. Do you like storms? Remember when you were little, especially in the 80's, kids and parents would think of crazy reasons for thunder storms to keep us calm? Because we bowled,* thunder sounds usually meant angels were bowling. True story. I've heard some other wild ones.

Last weekend I thought of a new one and it really made me smile. I'm usually not crazy about lightning until recently when I had this great picture of Jesus taking my picture.** Every time lightning struck I had to smile because I thought "Jesus, You're taking bad pictures of me!!" I guess He's fond of candid moments like I am. So next time you see lightning, say CHEESE!! Maybe He'll double flash. :]
What makes you [smile] ?
*That's right, I was in a bowling league.
**Lightning = flash on camera

1 comment:

Jet said...

I miss rain, and storms. In east Texas they happen constantly, knock over trees, etc. Since we moved to San Marcos it has rained a total of maybe 6 times and three of those were in the past month. Epic fail, I sleep best during storms and I LOVE the sound rain makes when it hits glass windows. >_<