Sunday, June 14, 2009

Heavenly beats.

I love music. It's all around us if we listen. I go through all kinds of seasons of mostly acoustic, piano, folk, etc. Thankfully you won't find me singing rap songs or singing, rather, yelling, words with beats. But yeah ... though I play guitar, I am a bass player at heart. When I travel, I tend to crank up the bass music since no one is around to bother. The bass just grabs your heart. (maybe it's because the whole car is shaking) Mix it with some catchy beats, piano, and intentional words ....... it is heavenly. Surely Jesus loves bass?!

I refuse to believe heaven will be a forever sing-a-long with only a harp. But ooooooh when we gather, what an overwhelming presence it shall be. I was traveling back from Houston this morning, so church was in the car. When listening to Ian Mcintosh, I couldn't help but wonder about the new sounds we will hear. Beats we have never heard. Instruments with pristine tone. I must have listened to this song a hand full of times asking Jesus if I could hear heaven. I will keep asking ...

[i'll always love you.
rain rain down rain down your love.
rain rain down rain down your love.
rain rain down rain down your love.
wake me up].

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